Adjust your face, your hair, and so much more, however you wish!
Create another identity and depart for Reveria!
The different lives in Fantasy Life function a little like different jobs.
Each has its own characteristics and provides various ways to enjoy yourself.
With the new Quick Life Change feature,
you can instantly switch between
many different Lives.
Supports up to 4 players online/locally.
Invite friends to your meticulously crafted island, embark on resource-gathering quests together, the ways to play are endless!
If you have two controllers, one player can join
the adventure as your travel companion, Trip,
without needing to connect online.
Travelling 1000 years in the past, mysterious objects called "Strangelings" can be found on the island.
They appear possessed by the spirits of the departed,but could they have once been people...?
It's up to you to find a way to save them!

Adventure and live at a free and relaxed pace.
It's up to you to choose what kind of life you'll live!
Great danger and exhilarating thrills
await you on this adventure to solve
the mysteries of the island.
Why not start a new Life?